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anaplatform Data Consultancy
Intelligent Document Solutions

Unlocking Possibilities with Intelligent Document Solutions

Document Classification

Case Study: Real-Time Text Classification for an ECommerce Company

Real-time classification is a critical component of E-Shop's text classification system, as it enables the company to process incoming reviews in real-time and obtain timely insights into customer sentiments.


A fictional e-commerce company, "E-Shop", operates an online platform where users can write reviews for products they purchase. With a large number of reviews pouring in daily, E-Shop needs to efficiently categorize the reviews into positive, negative, or neutral sentiments to gain insights into customer satisfaction and product quality. However, manually categorizing the reviews is time-consuming and error-prone, so E-Shop decides to implement an automated text classification system using cloud-based data analytics.


E-Shop faces several challenges in implementing a text classification system using cloud-based data analytics, including:

Scale: E-Shop receives a massive volume of reviews every day, and the system needs to be able to handle the scale of data efficiently.

Accuracy: The accuracy of the text classification model is crucial for obtaining reliable insights. Achieving high accuracy requires robust model training and validation processes.

Latency: E-Shop requires real-time text classification to provide timely insights for decision-making. Minimizing the latency of the classification process is critical.

Cost: Cloud-based data analytics services come with associated costs, including data storage, processing, and model training. Managing the costs while maintaining performance is a key consideration.


We helped our customer E-Shop to adopt the following strategies to address the challenges:

Cloud-based Infrastructure: E-Shop leverages a cloud-based data analytics platform, such as Amazon Web Services (AWS) or Google Cloud Platform (GCP), to take advantage of scalable and cost-effective computing resources.

Data Preprocessing: E-Shop preprocesses the textual data by performing tasks such as tokenization, stopword removal, and feature extraction to prepare the data for model training.

Cloud-based Data Analytics Tools: XYZ Corp. utilized cloud-based data analytics tools and services for their text classification process. This could include tools such as Amazon Comprehend, Google Cloud Natural Language, or Microsoft Azure Text Analytics, which offer pre-trained machine learning models for text classification and sentiment analysis.

Model Selection and Training: E-Shop explores different text classification algorithms, such as Naive Bayes, Support Vector Machines, and deep learning-based approaches like Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) or Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN). The selected model is trained using a large labeled dataset, and hyperparameter tuning is performed to optimize its performance.

Real-time Classification: E-Shop employs real-time data streaming and processing techniques, such as Apache Kafka or Apache Flink, to handle the incoming reviews and classify them in real-time to minimize latency.

Cost Optimization: E-Shop monitors and manages the cost of cloud-based data analytics services by optimizing resource usage, leveraging spot instances, and using cost-effective storage options, such as Amazon S3 or Google Cloud Storage.

Our Solution

Here's an outline of our implementation steps involved in the real-time classification process:

Training Data: We created a labeled dataset for training their text classification model. The training data consisted of a substantial amount of text data, manually labeled with the corresponding categories. This labeled dataset was used to train the machine learning model for text classification.

Data Streaming: We prepared a data streaming framework on the cloud using AWS Glue, Kinesis and AThena, (can also be implemented on-premise using Apache Kafka) , to ingest and process incoming reviews in real-time. Reviews are collected from various sources, such as the company's website or mobile app, and are streamed to the data analytics platform for further processing.

Preprocessing: Once the reviews are streamed, they undergo preprocessing to prepare them for classification. This includes tasks such as tokenization, stopword removal, and feature extraction. Tokenization involves splitting the reviews into individual words or phrases, stopword removal involves filtering out common words that do not carry much meaning (e.g., "the", "and", "is"), and feature extraction involves representing the reviews as numerical features that can be used as input to the classification model.

Feature Transformation: The preprocessed reviews are then transformed into a format that can be fed into the text classification model. This may involve converting the reviews into numerical vectors using techniques such as bag-of-words, word embeddings, or term frequency-inverse document frequency (TF-IDF) representation. These transformed features serve as the input to the classification model.

Real-time Classification: The transformed features are passed through the trained text classification model, which has been previously trained on a labeled dataset. The model predicts the sentiment of the reviews as positive, negative, or neutral based on the learned patterns from the training data. The predictions are generated in real-time and are continuously updated as new reviews are streamed.

Decision-making and Insights: The real-time predictions are then used for decision-making and generating insights. For example, E-Shop may use the predictions to identify trends in customer sentiments, track product performance, or respond to negative feedback in a timely manner. These insights can help E-Shop make data-driven decisions to improve customer satisfaction and product quality.

Monitoring and Performance Optimization: E-Shop continuously monitors the performance of the real-time classification process to ensure that it meets the desired accuracy and latency requirements. If needed, performance optimization techniques, such as model retraining, hyperparameter tuning, or resource allocation adjustments, may be applied to improve the system's performance and maintain real-time processing capabilities.


After implementing the text classification solution on the cloud, XYZ Corp. was able to automatically classify large volumes of text data into relevant categories. This enabled them to gain valuable insights, such as identifying customer sentiment, analyzing product feedback, and identifying trends in customer support tickets. These insights helped the compmany make informed decisions, improve customer satisfaction, and streamline their business processes.

Now the E-Shop observes the following outcomes:

Increased Efficiency: The automated text classification system significantly reduces the time and effort required for manual review categorization, enabling E-Shop to process a large volume of reviews efficiently.

Improved Accuracy: The text classification model achieves high accuracy in categorizing reviews into positive, negative, or neutral sentiments, providing reliable insights for customer satisfaction and product quality analysis.

Real-time Insights: E-Shop obtains real-time insights into customer sentiments, enabling timely decision-making and improved responsiveness to customer feedback.

Cost-effective Solution: By leveraging cloud-based data analytics, E-Shop optimizes the cost of processing and storing large volumes of textual


In conclusion, the case study of XYZ Corp. demonstrates the effectiveness of text classification with data analytics on the cloud in addressing the challenges of managing and analyzing large volumes of text data. By leveraging cloud-based data analytics tools and techniques, XYZ Corp. was able to automate the process of classifying text data into relevant categories, enabling them to gain valuable insights and make informed decisions.

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