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Text Summarization

Case Study: Text Summarization with Data Analytics for a Social Media Monitoring Company

Let's consider a real-world case study of a social media monitoring company that provides sentiment analysis and text summarization services to businesses for tracking and analyzing customer feedback on social media platforms.


The social media monitoring company collects vast amounts of customer feedback data from various social media platforms, including customer reviews, comments, and mentions. The company's existing text summarization approach is based on extracting the first few sentences of each feedback as a summary, which often results in incomplete and inconsistent summaries. The company aims to enhance its text summarization process to provide more accurate and informative summaries to its clients, which can help them gain valuable insights from the customer feedback data.


Each row represents a feedback entry, with columns for Feedback ID, Feedback Text, Sentiment, and Rating. The Feedback Text contains the actual feedback provided by customers, and the Sentiment column indicates whether the feedback is positive or negative. The Rating column represents the rating provided by customers, ranging from 1 to 5. This raw data will be used for analysis and text summarization using data analytics techniques.

Feedback ID Feedback Text Sentiment Rating

1 "The food at this restaurant was amazing! The flavors were rich and delicious. The service was also top-notch. Highly recommend!"

2 "I had a terrible experience at this hotel. The room was dirty and the staff was rude. I would not recommend staying here."

3 "I recently bought a new phone and it's been working great! The camera quality is impressive and the battery life is good too."

4 "The customer service of this airline was disappointing. The flight was delayed and the staff was unhelpful. I would not fly with them again."

5 "I love the new features of the latest software update! The interface is user-friendly and the performance has improved significantly."

6 "The product quality of this brand is subpar. It broke within a week of use and the customer support was unresponsive."

7 "I had a great experience at this spa! The massage was relaxing and the staff was friendly. I would definitely go back again."

8 "The delivery service of this online store was terrible. My package arrived late and the items were damaged. I was very disappointed."

9 "The performance of this car is exceptional! It's fast, reliable, and fuel-efficient. I am very satisfied with my purchase."

10 "The customer support of this software company was prompt and helpful. They resolved my issue quickly and efficiently."

Data Analytics Approach:

To enhance the text summarization process, the company decides to leverage data analytics techniques. The following approach is implemented:

Analysis: The company performs sentiment analysis on the customer feedback data to determine the sentiment of each feedback, whether it's positive, negative, or neutral. This information is used to identify the most relevant and impactful sentences or phrases in the feedback that convey the sentiment. Positive and negative sentiment sentences are given more weightage, as they are more likely to contain important insights.

Keyword Extraction: The company uses keyword extraction techniques to identify the most important keywords or phrases in the customer feedback data. These keywords are used to identify the main topics or themes of the feedback and are included in the summary to provide a concise representation of the feedback's content.

Text Clustering: The company applies text clustering techniques to group similar feedback together based on their content. This allows the company to identify common themes or topics among the feedback and generate summaries that capture the main points from each cluster. This helps in creating more coherent and relevant summaries that provide a comprehensive overview of the customer feedback.

Text Ranking: The company uses text ranking techniques to rank the sentences or phrases in the feedback based on their importance. This is done by considering factors such as the sentiment, keyword relevance, and customer feedback rating. The most relevant and impactful sentences are given higher ranks and included in the summary.


After implementing the data analytics approach, the social media monitoring company observed significant improvements in its text summarization process. The generated summaries were more accurate, informative, and relevant to the feedback data. Clients were able to gain valuable insights from the summaries, such as identifying common customer pain points, product strengths, and areas for improvement. The enhanced text summarization process helped the company in providing more actionable and meaningful insights to its clients, leading to increased customer satisfaction and retention.

Feedback ID Feedback Text Sentiment Rating
1 "The food at this restaurant was amazing! The flavors were rich and delicious. The service was also top-notch. Highly recommend!" Positive 5
2 "I had a terrible experience at this hotel. The room was dirty and the staff was rude. I would not recommend staying here." Negative 1
3 "I recently bought a new phone and it's been working great! The camera quality is impressive and the battery life is good too." Positive 4
4 "The customer service of this airline was disappointing. The flight was delayed and the staff was unhelpful. I would not fly with them again." Negative 2
5 "I love the new features of the latest software update! The interface is user-friendly and the performance has improved significantly." Positive 5
6 "The product quality of this brand is subpar. It broke within a week of use and the customer support was unresponsive." Negative 2
7 "I had a great experience at this spa! The massage was relaxing and the staff was friendly. I would definitely go back again." Positive 4
8 "The delivery service of this online store was terrible. My package arrived late and the items were damaged. I was very disappointed." Negative 1
9 "The performance of this car is exceptional! It's fast, reliable, and fuel-efficient. I am very satisfied with my purchase." Positive 5
10 "The customer support of this software company was prompt and helpful. They resolved my issue quickly and efficiently." Positive 4

This case study demonstrates how data analytics techniques can be used to enhance text summarization in a real-world scenario. By leveraging sentiment analysis, keyword extraction, text clustering, and text ranking techniques, the social media monitoring company was able to improve the accuracy and performance of its text summarization process, leading to more meaningful and valuable summaries. This highlights the importance of incorporating data analytics in text summarization tasks to unlock insights from textual data and make informed decisions.

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