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QA And Testing Services

We help you deliver quality software and provide your end clients with the best experience

qa and test services

At anaplatform we offer a full cycle quality assurance including consulting, providing the right tools and strategies for your business with all its technological and IT-related services. We work together for better performance, increasing market share and sales funnel through the newly discovered digital channels.

With our specific services for industrial automation, from consulting to implementation and optimization, we help machine builders and plant operators uncover hidden potential and fully exploit it.

Comprehensive data use is made possible by merging the virtual and physical world. This is where our framework comes in: Seamless end-to-end connectivity enables field and machine levels to be linked together horizontally, and OT and IT vertically. The open nature of our framework allows existing software and applications to be ported to our Automation Management System without difficulty.

You also benefit from integrated security and connectivity in your automated system and the Cloud. The range of Automation Frameowork services is rounded out by scalable solution packages, the Automation Frameowork Use Cases. These help implement the digital enterprise and illustrate how the challenges of the future can be overcome quickly and without complications..

We work with many different tools for test automations. We have experience with Selenium, Appium, Jmeter, Katalon, Ranorex, SoapUI, Postman and Katalon Studio. We worked on API, Desktop, Mobile and Web test automations. Our main target is achieving client requirements in high level and save client benefits. In addition to reach the communication in high level and as a result to end up with qualified work.

Having identified the major research challenges to be tackled to create this vision, an intermediate step of implementation is presented, where state-of-the-art technologies have been adopted as partial enablers of the proposed CPS architecture and corresponding engineering tools. An industrial-level application serves as test-bed for the approach.

Regression test all changes made in the application environment; The newly added features to the application are a type of software test conducted to check whether the existing problems are eliminated and the new updates and added features produce a new error after the previous errors are corrected.

We provide state-of-art regression test service to our clients.

Mobile application testing is a process by which application software developed for handheld mobile devices is tested for its functionality, usability and consistency.

We provide state-of-art compability mobile service to our clients.

API testing is used to determine whether API’s can provide a correct response to requests.

We provide state-of-art API test service to our clients.

Web testing is a software testing practice to test web applications or websites for potential bugs.

We provide state-of-art web test service to our clients.

Compatibility Testing is a type of software testing to check whether your software is capable of running on different hardware, applications, operating systems, network environments.

We provide state-of-art compability test service to our clients.

Performance testing is a testing measure that evaluates the speed, responsiveness, and stability of a network, computer, device, or software program under a workload.

We provide state-of-art load test service to our clients.

Security test is a type of Software Testing that uncovers vulnerabilities, risks, warnings, in a software application and checks malicious attacks from intruders.

We provide state-of-art security test service to our clients.

Integration testing is done to test the components/modules when integrated to verify that they work as expected i.e. to test the modules which are working fine individually do not have issues when integrated.

We provide state-of-art integration test service to our clients.

Database Testing is a type of software testing that checks the schema, triggers, tables, etc. of the Database under test.

We provide state-of-art compability test service to our clients.

Functional testing is a quality assurance (QA) method and a type of black-box testing that bases its test cases on the terms of the software element under test.

We provide state-of-art functional test service to our clients.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque vitae facilisis velit, sit amet auctor nisl. Etiam faucibus massa a felis ullamcorper, non blandit arcu convallis.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque vitae facilisis velit, sit amet auctor nisl. Etiam faucibus massa a felis ullamcorper, non blandit arcu convallis. Duis aliquet euismod diam, at elementum orci dapibus non. Nunc a leo dictum, posuere diam a, congue lorem. Nam tortor eros, tristique vitae velit sed, fermentum condimentum ipsum. Etiam vulputate dui at diam gravida tempor. Vestibulum rhoncus, mauris vel feugiat malesuada, nisi tellus dictum odio, sed pharetra felis nisl quis odio. Etiam ultrices lobortis augue, sit amet ultricies tortor tempor eu.

Nunc a leo dictum, posuere diam a, congue lorem. Nam tortor eros, tristique vitae velit sed, fermentum condimentum ipsum. Etiam vulputate dui at diam gravida tempor. Vestibulum rhoncus, mauris vel feugiat malesuada, nisi tellus dictum odio, sed pharetra felis nisl quis odio. Etiam ultrices lobortis augue, sit amet ultricies tortor tempor eu.

Nam tortor eros, tristique vitae velit sed, fermentum condimentum ipsum. Etiam vulputate dui at diam gravida tempor. Vestibulum rhoncus, mauris vel feugiat malesuada, nisi tellus dictum odio, sed pharetra felis nisl quis odio. Etiam ultrices lobortis augue, sit amet ultricies tortor tempor eu.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque vitae facilisis velit, sit amet auctor nisl. Etiam faucibus massa a felis ullamcorper, non blandit arcu convallis.