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anaplatform Data Consultancy
Using the power of Mongo DB Correctly

Discover the benefits of MongoDB

The purpose of this article is letting our followwer use the power of Mongo DB correctly and making the configuration settings suitable for your business, hosting options etc.

Advantages. MongoDb provides a document-based data structure and a collection saves more than one type of data, the size of the document can change in each document and field.

The structure of a document is simple and clear

No complex join statements

For example: db.getCollection('T_Z_REPORT_DATA').find({"TERMINAL_ID":{$ne:"BCA 00028845"},"MERCHANT_ID":{$ne:9},"MSG_DATE_TIME":{$gte :new ISODate("2016-07-01T00:00:00.000Z"),$lte:new ISODate("2016-07-26T00:00:00.000Z")},"STATUS":777}).count() MongoDB lets you write dynamic queries


Easily scalable

There is no need for mapping, you define an object regardless of its structure, and collections are formed as it is defined.

Internal memory can be used in this way, queries work faster, due to the general logic of no-sql, long operations are performed in parallel, so it gives very fast results in large data compared to sql.

Data can be integrated into the application as it is, as the JSon sytle is stored

Offers high availability

Automatic Shards are created

Rich Queries

On-site and can be updated quickly

Our Support

It is an additional or stand-alone solution for all big data demanding applications.

Easy content management

User data management

Data Hub

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