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anaplatform Data Analytics

anaplatform Data Analytics

Unleash the power of your Data

Anaplatform Insider

  • ChatGPT - why all the hype ?

    A groundbreaking technolgy as claimed ?

    Is ChatGPT realy a groundbreaking technolgy as currently claimed ? Are we all witnessing the birth of a real AI ? [...]

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  • building the digital workforce

    New emerging data analytics solutions

    In the context of Industry 4.0, new emerging data analytics solutions can have a significant impact on improvements in operating efficiency. Regardless of the industry segment, the potential is estimated to be in the [...]

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  • Challenges While Adopting Data Science in Healthcare

    Emerging data analytics industries

    Şu soruyu sorarsak: Sağlık sektörünün zorlukları nelerdir? Bu cevapları verebiliriz. [...]

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  • Industry 4.0 and employment

    Does it have an impact on employment?

    Questions arise as if this effect causes a new crisis. In an environment where production increases and costs decrease, it cannot be done without considering the employment factor. Many different views about [...]

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  • MongoDB Support

    Mongo DB Linux,Shards,indexes,collection

    Last month, we provided support and training to one of the important companies in the sector with our expert team on mongo DB hosting environment and big data management.. [...]

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  • E-Commerce Platform


    Within the scope of developments for e-commerce, we support you with semantic search and customer analytic modules.[...]

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  • Mobile Applications-Responsive Design

    Scales to all viewports

    Our support continues for making the interaction of mobile interfaces of web platform solutions (Cloud or on-promise) with bootstrap and Html5 device-specific.[...]

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  • Big Data Conference

    Scales to all Data Aanlyists

    Our support continues for big data analysis and engineers. With our self-service analytics platform solutions (Cloud or on-promise) we can help you for industry-specific solutions.[...]

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  • How to use Analystics for ECommerce Platforms

    Scales to all Everyone

    We realiazed full scale analytics truly for our ecommerce platform. Attend this webinar and see how our solutions works for every business.[...]

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  • Using Big Data for Health Sector

    Scales to all Everyone

    We realiazed full scale analytics truly for our ecommerce platform. Attend this webinar and see how our solutions works for every business.[...]

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  • TFS Jenkins C.I.

    TFS Jenkins C.I.

    TFS Jenkins Continuouse Integration Support. [...]

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Our Policy

As the crisis goes on, industries and business models are prone to radical changes. While many industries go through bottleneck, most companies realize that they cannot grow or even survive with their existing business models and methods. With this platform we are creating a movement that we hope will help you focus on the risks and opportunities that the current situation brings, on reevaluating your operations, and on the actions required to survive and to carry your business to the next level.


Data Infrastructure

We provide state-of-art data analytics infrastructure and R&D support for your company. With our data experts team, we guide you by offering the most optimal solutions for your needs in setting up your corporate network for your data business. We offer technical startup architectural development or training support for any kind of training or modular development you need in the field of Cloud Computing ​​and software design architectures.


Data Reform

As an analytics company experienced in building software to visualize public data about politics, government, reform programs, we provide people visualised public data and information about politics, administration, governments and reform projects.We conduct government affairs and business diplomacy engagements exclusively for technology startups / scaleups on big data.


Reduce the dependency on the human force by 80%

reduction in development costs


Reduce time for development by 60%.

increase in quality assurance


Reduces time to market of new initiatives by 85%

increase in development time

anaplatform estimates, By 2025, the amount of manual effort for all processes will be cut by 50% owing to the adoption of AI-based contract intelligence solutions. 300 million jobs will be replaced by AI. 1 in every 5 jobs will be affected ― and companies shuld be prepared for this.

We focus on people: Your policy for you

We value emotional intelligence as much as data, growing internal culture as much as growing revenue, and forming strong, personal bonds with founders.

Our Visionis a holistic internet geography, as geopolitical maps of the globe, highlights altitudes and boundaries and borders of the digital realm, introducing and comprehending marketed informatic dynamics beyond the look into aesthetic and practical user experience but systemically highlighting the diffusion and extraction of data from and to big tech juristical bodies.

Our primary aim is to invest in technology for SMEs with great growth potential and a strong presence in the global marketplace. We help in Small and Medium Business and also startups and help them grow with our Data Analytics Expertise.

Are you ready to take your company to the next level?

anaplatform Big Data Consultancy uses the latest technologies to increase your company performance. Thanks to the technique and experience it uses in technology and software development, anaplatform will provide added value to your company in every sense.

We tailore Big Data to you organization's particular needs to increase your company performance.

The main goal of our corporate policy is gradually developing business potential is to produce better quality work and to bring development times to the most optimal level. Our services cover all parts of the world and we provide 24/7 remote support to companies at their own location when necessary.

Our aim is to, with the input of the entire big data ecosystem, create an environment where SMEs can move towards a winning business model by providing them with tools and methods that will support these enterprises in finding ways to go through the crisis with minimum damage and ways to rapid growth with the help of Data Analytics

Data Analytics

Predictive Analysis of Company Business and Project Requirements

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Data Visualisation

Preparing big data in elegaant an understandable way

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QA and Test Automation

Robust and stable test automation

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Digital Transformation

We Help Enterprises Achieve Their Transformation Goals

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Data Migration

Are you ready to map out your Digital Transformation Roadmap?

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Robotic Process Automation

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we measured ourselves In the past



5+ years of helping our clients to design and manage their Data Analytics



We have successfully completed over 10 big Software Projects



We received and evaluated projects from 26 different clients.



We provided services in 32 different technologies such as Web / Desktop / Mobile & Data application development as well as Cloud.

Partner Companies

If you want to benefit from our services and move your software team or projects further?
We can make a suitable process plan for you.
Direct Contact. (+49)152 51843476