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anaplatform Data Consultancy
Data Analysis and Biostatistics

Transforming healthcare through the power of data analytics and biostatistics.

Data Analysis and Biostatistics

Data Analysis and Biostatistics

Data analytics and biostatistics are two interrelated fields that play a significant role in the healthcare industry. Data analytics involves the process of examining large datasets to uncover hidden patterns, correlations, and trends, while biostatistics is the application of statistical methods to biological and medical data. Together, these fields provide valuable insights into the health status of individuals and populations, as well as the effectiveness of medical treatments and interventions.

In the healthcare industry, data analytics and biostatistics are used to analyze clinical data, patient records, and public health data to improve patient outcomes and reduce costs. Data analytics allows healthcare providers to identify high-risk patients and develop targeted interventions, such as disease management programs, that improve patient outcomes while reducing costs. Biostatistics, on the other hand, helps researchers design clinical trials and analyze data to determine the safety and efficacy of medical treatments.

Recent Advancements

The use of data analytics and biostatistics in healthcare is not new. However, recent advancements in technology have made it easier to collect, store, and analyze data, leading to the development of new analytical methods and tools. For example, machine learning algorithms can now analyze large datasets to identify patterns and make predictions. This technology has the potential to revolutionize healthcare by enabling early detection and prevention of diseases, as well as personalized treatment plans.

Biostatistics and Its Role in Public Health

Data analytics and biostatistics also play a critical role in public health. For example, epidemiologists use biostatistics to analyze disease outbreaks and identify risk factors that contribute to the spread of disease. They also use data analytics to track the incidence and prevalence of diseases and to monitor public health interventions.

Our Services

Data analytics and biostatistics offer a range of services that can benefit the healthcare industry. Some of the possible services include:

Clinical data analysis:

This service involves the analysis of patient data, such as electronic health records, to identify patterns and trends that can improve patient outcomes and reduce costs. Healthcare providers can use this information to develop targeted interventions that improve patient outcomes while reducing costs.

Machine learning algorithms:

Machine learning algorithms can be used to analyze large datasets to identify patterns and make predictions. This technology has the potential to revolutionize healthcare by enabling early detection and prevention of diseases, as well as personalized treatment plans.

Public health data analysis:

Epidemiologists and public health officials use biostatistics to analyze disease outbreaks and identify risk factors that contribute to the spread of disease. They also use data analytics to track the incidence and prevalence of diseases and to monitor public health interventions.

Clinical trial design and analysis:

Biostatistics is used to design clinical trials and analyze data to determine the safety and efficacy of medical treatments. This service is critical in the development of new medical treatments and interventions.

Health data management:

This service involves the management and analysis of healthcare data, including electronic health records, claims data, and administrative data. Health data management helps healthcare providers and policymakers make informed decisions about patient care and public health policies.

In conclusion, data analytics and biostatistics offer a wide range of services that can benefit the healthcare industry. These services can help improve patient outcomes, reduce costs, and inform public health policies. As technology continues to advance, the use of these tools will become even more critical in improving healthcare outcomes.

Have a question ?

Are you looking to create a lasting impact with your data analytics? Contact us to create them in hours.

anaplatform makes metabolomics accessible to all. We help scientists better understand their metabolomics datasets to derive actionable results. We offer comprehensive statistical analysis and data interpretation packages for our in-house datasets, as well as any dataset produced with any one of our standardized kits.

What is data analysis in biostatistics?

Data Analysis is the process of systematically applying statistical and/or logical techniques to describe and illustrate, condense and recap, and evaluate data.

What is the importance of data analysis in biostatistics?

Data analysis also provides researchers with a vast selection of different tools, such as descriptive statistics, inferential analysis, and quantitative analysis. So, to sum it up, data analysis offers researchers better data and better ways to analyze and study said data.

All our advanced statistical analysis services are fully adaptable to any targeted metabolomics project and can include the following data preparation steps:
  • Data cleaning
  • Outlier Analysis
  • Data normalization
  • Data transformation for further processing

Descriptive statistics are computed to study the overall shape of the dataset and include information such as min, max, mean, SD, median, IQR, etc… for every statistical group defined in the project.

Univariate statistics (t-test, ANOVA) and multivariate statistics are applied to identify the differences between statistical groups.

Graphical visualizations best suited to the project are produced.These usually include:

  • Boxplots
  • Principal component analysis (PCA)
  • Partial least squares discriminant analysis (PLS-DA)
  • Hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) / heatmaps
Metabolite sums and ratios:

exclusively for samples measured with the MxP® Quant 500 kit, additional data points are calculated based on metabolites sums and ratios using the anaplatform Services.

Our developed decision support system has two main use cases: knowledge acquisition and decision support. Knowledge acquisition mode allows defining inference rules, which are complex objects and each of them addsits element to the resulting inference.The knowledge is defined by associatingtest resultsand its reference value to a set of diagnosis[17]. In the decision support mode,the system generates recommendations applying a set of knowledge and rules to the facts that are derived form a LIS data base.

Decision making based on metabolomics

Decision making based on metabolomics requires comprehensive statistical analysis and expert interpretation of the data. With our data interpretation package, our experts bridge the gap between statistical significance and biological interpretation and meaning.

  • A state-of-the-art summary.
  • Interpretation of results from the statistical package.
  • Pathway analysis and visualizations.
What we Offer ?

We offer statistical analysis packages based on our kits regardless of whether samples were measured by us or at another facility.

  • raw data: Misdiagnosis presents an enormous issue as the illness can’t be enough treated until it is precisely recognized. The utilization of clinical decision support tools can incredibly reduce these types of errors and results in better health outcomes for patients.
  • cleaned data: Biostatistics gives doctors quick access to cleaned data.
  • imputed data: the ability to have this information readily available to a provider and the entire care team working on a patient’s case increases the efficiency of this task. By turning to CDS, clinicians can be confident that they are always receiving consistent, reliable information that is relevant to their specific patient. The information provided helps them in making an accurate diagnosis, all without having to spend a great deal of time on research.
  • transformed data: making a diagnosis, and deciding on a treatment plan can often be a complex one. This task requires a great deal of thought and, in some particularly complex cases, time. Additionally, when mistakes in diagnosis are made, valuable time and resources are wasted.
Analysis on demand

Additional statistical analyses can be performed upon request for each project. Whether the samples were measured at our laboratories or in a laboratory using one of our standardized kits, our data interpretation experts are available to help you make the most out of your datasets. Check out the detail of our data analysis & biostatistics package or contact us to learn more