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anaplatform Data Consultancy
Commerce Solutions

We support your Digital Transformation journey with our analytical finance solutions.

anaplatform Commerce Solutions

Commerce Solutions

Introducing our revolutionary AI-powered services designed specifically for the ecommerce and retail industry! Our cutting-edge technology harnesses the power of artificial intelligence and machine learning to provide you with unparalleled insights into your customers' behavior and preferences.

With our AI-powered services, you can optimize your online store's performance, enhance the customer experience, and boost sales. Our technology can analyze vast amounts of data and provide you with actionable insights that enable you to make data-driven decisions and optimize your online store's performance.

Our services can also help you improve your customer experience by providing personalized recommendations, targeted promotions, and real-time support. By understanding your customers' behavior and preferences, our technology can deliver tailored experiences that drive engagement, loyalty, and repeat business.

Our AI-powered services are designed to be scalable and flexible, ensuring that they can grow with your business and adapt to changing customer needs. Whether you're a small ecommerce store or a large retailer, our services can help you achieve your goals and drive growth.

Improve Shopping Experience

Personalization As per research, 83% of consumers prefer to browse or buy products through messaging conversations. Around 79% of customers can most likely buy the product if they can get the necessary answers while browsing the commerce websites. As Conversational Commerce takes off, brands need to focus on personalization. They should understand customer behavior and needs to offer personalized communication. 79% of consumers prefer to purchase from a brand with which they feel a personal connection. Furthermore, 63% of consumers say that instant messaging can help them feel a personal connection while doing shopping.

Average Order Value The new support for customers through their purchase decisions is supposed to increase the order value. Retailers can recommend products on the go and resolve customer queries related to the products. The chatbot can recommend complementary products or any other related products that can augment customer needs to increase the cart value.

Customer Feedback Organizations can leverage Conversational Commerce to gain insights into the customer experience and research their behavior with simple questionnaires/surveys. How is it made easy with chatbots? You can provide action buttons for the user to click and provide feedback. You can also provide human assistance if required to resolve any issue faced by the customers on the go.

Challenges While Adopting Data Science in Insurance
Data Availability

The availability of data is among the most frequent problems that businesses have with machine learning. For businesses to use machine learning, raw data must be accessible. Large amounts of data are required to develop machine learning algorithms. A few hundred bits of data are insufficient to train systems properly and use machine learning.

Data collection is not the only issue, though. Additionally, you must model and refine the data to conform to the chosen algorithms. One of the problems with machine learning that is regularly encountered is data security. Security is a crucial issue that must be addressed when a corporation has retrieved data. To use machine learning accurately and effectively, it is crucial to distinguish between sensitive and non-sensitive data. Companies must store sensitive data by encrypting and putting it on other servers or in a location with complete security. Reliable team members can be given access to less sensitive information.

Underwriting Policies

A customer-centric strategy is being adopted by the insurance business. Businesses want to make items that are priced fairly and adapt to different customer needs. They aim to do away with the traditional, strict pricing structure that relies on billing a consumer after asking them a few questions and blatantly figuring out their risk profile. Due to a lack of knowledge and data, applying machine learning is difficult when underwriting policies using a customer-centric approach.


Due to increased connection and distant accessibility, data security and reliability are major problems. There is great concern about harmful parties gaining access to private information. But for newcomers, investing in and maintaining expensive security software might not be possible.

Our Solutions for Ecommerce adn Retail Industry
Want to Join Us?

So why wait? Transform your ecommerce and retail business with our AI-powered services today! Contact us to learn more about our services and how they can benefit your business.