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anaplatform Data Consultancy
Health Monitoring Systems

We support your Digital Transformation journey with our analytical healthcare solutions.

Remote Patient Monitoring

Remote Patient Monitoring

Are you tired of constantly worrying about your loved one's health while they're away from you? Remote patient monitoring (RPM) may be the solution you've been looking for.

RPM allows for continuous monitoring of a patient's vital signs and health information from the comfort of their own home. This technology enables healthcare providers to track a patient's health status and make informed decisions about their care without the need for frequent in-person visits.

At its core, RPM is about empowering patients to take charge of their health while allowing healthcare professionals to provide timely and effective care. With RPM, patients can track their symptoms, medication adherence, and daily activities, all while receiving real-time feedback and guidance from their healthcare providers.

One of the biggest advantages of RPM is that it allows for early detection and intervention in cases of health deterioration. By catching potential health problems early on, RPM can help prevent hospitalizations and improve patient outcomes.

Remote patient monitoring is especially helpful for patients with chronic conditions, such as diabetes, heart disease, and respiratory illness. These patients can benefit from regular monitoring of their vital signs and symptoms, as well as guidance on lifestyle changes and medication management.

At anaplatform, we offer state-of-the-art RPM solutions that are both user-friendly and effective. Our team of healthcare professionals will work with you to customize a monitoring plan that meets your unique needs and goals.

Investing in remote patient monitoring technology can be life-changing for patients and their loved ones. Contact us today to learn more about how RPM can improve your quality of life and provide peace of mind.

How it Works ?

The Remote Patient Monitoring system (RPM) concept has been a recent phenomenon. However, the advances in healthcare technology highlight the particular attention it has received during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The term Remote Patient Monitoring system generally implies the utility of electronic sensors and instruments with personal health and medical data recording capabilities.

The RPM involves the use of interconnected devices which collect from one location and transmit to another for review by a clinician. Nevertheless, the transmission of that data may or may not be instantaneous in real-time.

The types of sensors and data the Remote Patient Monitoring system operates are limitless. However, it commonly includes anything from weight scales, data-driven from blood pressure to mental and behavioral monitoring for patients suffering from disorders like dementia and Parkinson's.

With the emergence of better communication technologies like 5G and Wi-Fi 6 devices in the past two years RPM system is seeing a parallel surge across the globe.

Advantages of Patient Monitoring System

Remote Patient Monitoring System is also known for Telemonitoring and In-Home Monitoring systems. It helps reduce hospital readmissions by 38%, reduce emergency room visits by 25%, improve patient satisfaction by 25%, cut care costs by 17%, and improve compliance with medication by 13%.

RPM Advantages

The Key Components Of Remote Patient Monitoring System

The RPM system has four components;

  1. a personal medical device or sensor typically connected to the network via a Bluetooth module,
  2. a patient mobile app,
  3. a cloud repository,
  4. and clinic facility-side receiver software.
Challenges With Data in Monitoring Systems

In the field of medical big data, data-driven computational methods are increasingly needed to quickly and accurately analyze large-scale biological data, therefore, technology of health service monitoring system (HSMS) is developing rapidly.

The use of wearable health equipment and the standardization of electronic medical records is expected to generate more than 605 tb of data per person per day in terms of physical health, mental health, daily activities, healthy environment, social participation and other aspects.

The rapid generation of such unpredictable health care big data is a huge challenge to information infrastructure construction. With the accumulation of data and technological progress, the design and development of HSMS is a topic that has been attracting a lot of attention

Data collection is not the only issue, though. Additionally, we need to model and refine the data to conform to the chosen algorithms. Data mining techniques have been broadly investigated in health systems; however, it is not clear what real-time data analysis techniques are best suited for each context..