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anaplatform Data Consultancy
Disease Prediction

High quality medical annotation services by experts

Disease Prediction

Disease Prediction

Machine learning algorithms are widely used in the healthcare industry to make diagnoses, identify treatments and analyze public health threats due to its high classification percentages. Today, the healthcare industry is increasing interest in using machine learning and data mining technologies to improve services.

Technology is constantly evolving to improve the way people live and technology used in healthcare industry is also changing quickly. For instance, different technological devices are used for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases. Different samples taken from the patients are analyzed with the help of devices. This situation helps doctors in the diagnosis phase of the disease. It has been revealed that diagnosis of disease can be made by computer systems with developing technology.

Heart Disease Prediction

Machine learning is used in heart disease problems to bring out solutions to complex problems. For instance, some data mining techniques are applied to heart disease data to determine patterns and help in the prediction of heart disease. In another scientific study , a hybrid of machine learning models is proposed for the diagnosis of heart disease. Different researchers used different machine learning models for heart disease prediction and applied various optimizations which include particle swarm optimization (PSO) combined with ant colony optimization (ACO).

Coronavirus Prediction

Machine learning models are also used for coronavirus disease to solve problems in the medical domain using data. For instance, machine learning techniques and mathematical models are used [41] to determine the number of infected people and the probable time when coronavirus will be over in China. In a study conducted by scientists, various applications, tools, and datasets are explored which bring in the artificial intelligence used against coronavirus. Role of artificial intelligence and machine learning to fight coronavirus is necessary as it will help in the early prediction of coronavirus. In the coronavirus situation, it is necessary to characterize the propagation of information on social media . Patients who have hypertension and diabetes or have old age are at higher risk of coronavirus. An attempt has been made to determine the relation between coronavirus and diabetes.

Epilepsy Prediction

Epilepsy is one of the most common neurological diseases in the world which negatively affects the daily life of a patient. Predicting epileptic seizures is of great importance for healthcare professionals and patients.

Diabetes Prediction

Diabetes disease is reported to occur among more than 400 million people around the world. It is frequently seen among the people of Turkey as well. Diabetes is generally a manageable disease; however it can be deadly disease in the serious stage. Diagnosis and treatment methods of diabetes are being developed in parallel with technology.

Machine learning models are used in diabetes problems to bring out solutions and to enable early prediction using machine learning models.

As a result of scientific research, pre-diabetes and Type II diabetes have been proven to be an early detection problem. Therefore; simple, quick, correct diabetes diagnostic tools are required for the diagnosis of diabetes. Machine learning algorithms are used in prediction of diagnostic tools.

Chronic Kidney Disease Prediction

Chronic kidney disease and end-stage kidney disease (ESRD) are common public health concerns in the 21st century. When the kidney is unable to perform most of its functions, this clinical condition is called end-stage renal disease and requires dialysis or organ transplantation to maintain life. More than 72,000 ESRD patients die annually in the United States.

Patients with impaired renal function experience a significant immune dysregulation compared to the general population. Immune dysfunction in patients with CKD occurs independently of the underlying disease and occurs early during renal failure.

Breast Cancer Prediction

Breast Cancer Prediction

Pneumonia Prediction

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Breast Cancer Prediction

Chronic Kidney


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