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Healthcare Dashboards

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anaplatform healthcare Dashboards

Healthcare Dashboards

Healthcare Dashboards - The New Approach for Quality Care

Creating a dashboard for healthcare can be a complex process that requires the integration of multiple data sources, analysis tools, and visualization techniques. Here's a general outline of the steps involved in creating a healthcare dashboard:

Healthcare quality management dashboards have a lot of critical metrics and other KPIs, including:

  • Clinical events Infections, procedures, errors in medication
  • Care outcomes Readmission rates, in-house acquired admissions, length of stay
  • Care access ER Wait times, Average appointment times
  • Patient Experience Satisfaction scores, care options and effectiveness, and interactions
Physician/Practitioner Dashboards

EMRs now have a wide variety of data about patients, treatment plans, and underlying conditions. If leveraged by historical data about different treatment options, an effective care plan provides insights to manage the underlying conditions better. Pain management often considered a low priority, can be improved with healthcare dashboards. Suppose the quality improvement teams assess the data and create dashboards about the efficacy of pain management in the patient population. In that case, the team can make informed decisions and improve pain management. The other standard metrics like patient loads per physician, average appointment time, public health data, and nursing consensus can help physicians plan their care and time. The dashboards may include many others according to the specialty and practice customized to specific needs.

Patient Engagement Dashboards

Patients now prefer to make informed decisions, and they need ease to access care options. Patient satisfaction scores now seem to be common in healthcare dashboards. But there is more story to it; the average inpatient length of stay, the turnaround time for lab processes, average wait times (appointment and ER), information access, comparative information about the clinical outcomes, and a few more give insight into the current healthcare ecosystem. Hospital administrators can have more wisdom to plan their future actions and improve the patient's experience.

Quality Care Dashboards

Readmission rates indicate the quality of care provided at the healthcare facilities. Also, hospitals can experience a decline in revenue and patient experience scores. The optimal length of stay is vital for the financial health of patients and hospitals. Are these just enough? Safety of care, another essential dashboard, indicates the metrics about medical incidents, side-efforts of procedures, and any errors leading to adverse events. Hospital-acquired infections increase stay length, and historical data analysis can help reduce such conditions. The effectiveness of care outcomes related to the best care guidelines and the results associated with such care ensures that the practitioners follow the best practices.

Financial Dashboards

How do financial dashboards impact care quality? Quality is always associated with costs; optimal costs and quality always provide the best outcomes. Average costs per procedure, cost of care, specialty-wise spending vs. revenue, patient-to-physician/nurse ratio, medical devices costs, supply chain, surgical equipment costs, etc., are a few among many financial metrics that can improve the length of stay, care quality, and ER treatment options.

A few Technology Solutions for Effective Healthcare Dashboards

Unlike other industries, data and metrics constantly change in healthcare. So, users need to enhance the dashboards regularly and update the visualizations. Do you need to invest in new dashboards? Not necessarily, you can use out-of-box solutions like InsightBox to reduce your efforts by 50%.

What are tehe benefits of a reliable, high-value healthcare dashboards ?
  • Create a single source of truth with standard meta information and data definitions.
  • Unified look for all the reports in your system.
  • Secured access for users to view relevant data and dashboards.
  • Real-time insights to address the dynamic challenges in minimal time.
  • Users can visualize the story behind the data points.