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Manufacturing Data Analytics

We are with our engineers with our advanced engineering solutions

Manufacturing Data Analytics

anaplatform is an intuitive web-based self-service analytics platform for rapid-fire visualization of time series-based process and asset data. Available as SaaS, On-premises, or Private cloud solution, the anaplatform services adds value immediately after deployment. It enables cross-site teams to collaborate, learn and improve the overall performance of all production facilities.

Businesses must be in continuous improvement and development in order to maintain their competitiveness today. In the Manufacturing sector, the customer's primary requirement is to get the organization's status, like their turnover, how many workers are there in real-time, and support clients' needs. Today's customers see the working status of their organization along with their production. Here the customer needs a year-to-year trend analysis to get the insights related to sales revenue, their monthly growth, year to year comparison before concluding. Therefore Manufacturing Data Analytics Platform is necessary to compete in the manufacturing industry.

With anaplatform Support, you can build accurate ML models in real-time for Manufacturing Analytics solutions. To better understand the customer for getting the organization's information and their turnover, product status, and labor costing through the model. We can see the production details on every hour of the day with their labors status; by applying the model, the user will easily understand them. Here data sources will generate from the production-based companies.

Why anaplatform ?

Please contact us and request us to give you a demo of our machine learning model. Here you will get insights related to total production labor cost and manpower. Our model will provide you with an accurate prediction of the manufacturing industry with their production analysis. By applying Machine Learning models, the users will get an accurate model for getting their organization's status and turnovers their productions with narrative addition.

  • repair maintenance policy, preventive maintenance
  • policy,
  • predictive maintenance policy
  • total productive (efficient) maintenance policy.
Manufacturing Analytics Dashboard

Benefits of the Manufacturing Analytics Dashboard.

  • Dashboards show the organization does the total production and their sales revenue and active machines status. So here we can see the organization turnover of 1.9 Million, their manpower status, their labor cost, and customer return of their products.
  • The total stock of the products in the organization, here users will also get to know about the products rejected production vs. sales.
  • Here maximum % is for damaged products in both cases sales and production. Here, users will also see the production based on shift timings. Where users will get the predicted result for industry turnover and production on shift timing.